About the Board
The Board of Education is elected by the community to govern the school district. The Board is comprised of seven members. In general, Board members are elected to 4-year terms of office. The Oblong Community Unit School District #4 is a member of the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB). The IASB outlines the following as duties of a school board:
The Board clarifies the District's purpose.
The Board connects with the community.
The Board employs a superintendent.
The Board delegates authority.
The Board monitors performance.
The Board takes responsibility for itself.
Regular meetings of the Board of Education are open to the public. They are held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Oblong Elementary School.
Special meetings of the Board of Education are open to the public.
A closed session may be called by agenda or at any time during a regular meeting. All decisions, however, are required to be made in open session. Closed sessions are allowed by state law in order to discuss:
Collective negotiating matters
Litigation that is probable or imminent
Litigation that is filed and pending
Information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of an employee or officer
Testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or officer to determine its validity
Purchase or lease of real property for the district's use; or the setting of a price for the sale or lease of real property owned by the district
Matters of student discipline
Deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees
Individuals wishing to address the Board of Education are invited to do so by the Board president following the roll call. The Board president has the right to control the length of any presentation. One speaker per topic is allowed unless presenters have opposing views. Questions should be addressed to the Board as a whole rather than to individual Board members or administrative employees.
The Board of Education is not a public forum. The Board is a deliberative body. The Board does not debate the subject of public comments during the meeting, but rather, may take the comments under review in making decisions and establishing policies. The Board follows a planned agenda at each meeting. Board members receive background information prior to each meeting to enable proper preparation for the topics to be discussed and voted on during meetings.