IECC’s Upward Bound Program was the first TRIO grant awarded to IECC and has continued to provide services to eligible high school students for over 30 years. The Upward Bound program is designed to provide skills and motivation necessary for program participants to complete secondary education and to enter and succeed in a program of postsecondary education. Upward Bound participants receive academic advising, academic tutoring, college/career counseling, cultural enrichment, test prep, instruction, referrals, SEL, etc. Students participate in after-school college prep sessions, attend workshops, educational/college trips, and a six-week summer program. All services are free to participants accepted into the program. Upward Bound is fully funded through the Department of Education. Participants must be located at one of the target high schools upon application and meet eligibility criteria in order to be accepted into the program. The target schools include Clay City High School, Edwards County High School, Fairfield Community High School, Grayville High School, Lawrenceville High School, Mount Carmel High School, Newton Community High School, North Clay High School, Oblong High School, Red Hill High School, Richland County High School, and Robinson High School. For more information about Upward Bound, contact Olney Central College at 866.622.4322, ext. 2284.