We're thrilled to announce the new app for Oblong Schools! It's everything Oblong Schools, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3U8AM1u Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3VvQBjU
about 2 years ago, Michelle Meese
Oblong app promotion
OES Christmas Spirit Days!
about 2 years ago, OCUSD #4
OES Christmas Spirit Days
Wear a hat and support a great cause on Friday!
about 2 years ago, OCUSD #4
hat day flyer
It's time to "Pack the Bus"!
about 2 years ago, OCUSD #4
food drive flyer
Agenda for Athletic Committee Meeting on November 30
about 2 years ago, Oblong CUSD #4
agenda athletic committee
Notice to parents and community members
about 2 years ago, Oblong CUSD #4
notice of bus accident
Just like that, OES has two certified Therapy Dogs to visit us. Mrs Kamplain and students celebrated AJ’s very first day on the job. We love the smiles!  
about 2 years ago, Oblong Grade School
AJ and class
Today, Indy and Kim celebrated his 200th visit with Ms. Boehl’s Junior High chorus class. He has now advanced from an AKC Advanced level to an AKC Excellent level. Kim says her and Indy are thrilled, happy, and grateful for OES and staff for their kind and welcoming spirit.
about 2 years ago, Oblong CUSD #4
chorus with Indy
***Retake Picture Information***
about 2 years ago, Oblong Grade School
picture info
Just a reminder there is no school on Tuesday, November 8 for Election Day.
about 2 years ago, Oblong CUSD #4
no school
OES Cheerleaders are selling Oblong apparel for everyone! Please check out their online store. Orders will be open until November 26th. Items will arrive by Christmas! http://oblongpride2022.itemorder.com/
about 2 years ago, OCUSD #4
Oblong shirt
OHS One-Hour Lunch OHS will be having a one-hour lunch break (11:33-12:33) on Friday, November 4th for students that meet the following criteria: 95% attendance rate, less than 6 total tardies, and no discipline referrals during the first 9 weeks of the school year. Students were notified if they receive the lunch break and are asked to follow the listed expectations: Students are expected to communicate with their parents that they will receive the one-hour lunch break. Students are expected to get their parents permission before riding to and from lunch with other students. Students are expected to drive and behave appropriately when on or off campus during the one-hour lunch break. Students are expected to return to school after lunch and be on time for 6th period. Students understand that they may lose their one-hour lunch privileges in the future for not following expectations. If you have any questions regarding the one-hour lunch break, please contact Mr. Julian at 592-4235 or at ajulian@oblongschools.net.
about 2 years ago, Oblong High School
Thursday and Friday are non-attendance days for students. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday from 12 to 7 p.m. and from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
over 2 years ago, OCUSD #4
No School
Just a reminder the Lane Lockhart Fish Fry Fundraiser is tomorrow, Wednesday October 19th, from 4-7 pm, at the The Woods Event Center.
over 2 years ago, Oblong High School
fish fry fundraiser
QR Code
McTeacher Night at the Robinson McDonald’s is on October 20, 4:00-7:00 pm. Join us that night to see staff from OES working at McDonald’s! Proceeds will go to the OES Character Counts program.
over 2 years ago, Oblong CUSD #4
mcteacher night
**GRADE SCHOOL PICTURE RETAKE DAY** Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 Class photos will also be taken this day! Event code-FE236822 For questions, please call 1-877-515-1447
over 2 years ago, Oblong Grade School
Jr. High Parent/Teacher Conference Information
over 2 years ago, Oblong Grade School
p/t conf. note
The Oblong Marching Panthers had another awesome weekend! They got Outstanding Color Guard and Music and 1st in their Class at the Effingham Marching Hearts Invitational.
over 2 years ago, Oblong CUSD #4
go oblong panthers
band on field
group with trophies
band on field
Several Oblong staff members had fun playing volleyball this evening as a part of the October staff social.
over 2 years ago, Oblong CUSD #4
volleyball group
Just a reminder the FFA Pork Burger Drive Thru is going on NOW at the OHS Football Pavilion!
over 2 years ago, Oblong CUSD #4
kids making pork burgers
grilling pork burgers